September 3, 2024

How to Turn Life’s Unexpected Twists into Your Biggest Wins

This past Sunday marked the first day of my 12th year with my amazing wife. Now, I’m not usually one for birthdays, holidays, or anniversaries—but she’s always found a way to make those days special. This year, she planned a fun excursion at a nearby state park, offering free kayak tours of the area.

The advertisement had promised guides, paddleboards, and kayaks all set up for a great time. But when we arrived, we found out that “tours” actually meant “grab your gear and give yourself a tour,” with us being left to figure it out on our own. Talk about a curveball!

Here’s the twist: the event was for kids and adults ages 4 and up, but our youngest daughter is only 3. My parents had come up from Arizona and kindly offered to babysit, but when we got there, the gal running the event said we’d be just fine to take all three kids. So, Super Dad here hopped into a kayak with a 5-year-old, a 6-year-old, and just a little more wisdom than I’d like to admit. I thought for sure we were about to take an unexpected swim in the middle of the lake!

But life has a funny way of surprising us, doesn’t it? Despite the wind and the odds, we managed to stay upright. I was trying to focus on the kids and my wife (while offering a few “expert” kayaking tips), but I couldn’t stop thinking about my parents, who were left on the shore with nothing to do. That was until I spotted them being helped into a small paddle fishing boat by some friendly strangers. Not only did these new friends get them into the boat, but they also towed them to the top of the lake, letting them enjoy a breezy, effortless float back to the shore. Leave it to the older generation to show up at a kayaking event and end up getting a guided, no-sweat tour from total strangers!

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Now, why am I telling you all this?

Because life doesn’t always go as planned. We all have goals, dreams, and plans, but sometimes the winds change, and we find ourselves needing a little help from someone we didn’t expect. Maybe you’re feeling stuck or like you’ve hit a plateau in your business or personal life. It doesn’t mean you have to stay there.

In fact, that’s exactly the moment you need to seize the opportunity that’s right in front of you.

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Here’s to turning life’s surprises into your biggest wins