April 26, 2022

Understanding what imposter syndrome is and how to combat it is vital if you want to succeed in the world today.

Make sure to listen as imposter syndrome is explained so that you can overcome it in your life.

More importantly, you will find out whether or not you are actually dealing with imposter syndrome, or whether that is just an excuse for the real reason you are not moving forward.

I'm going to upset a lot of people. 

I'm going to bother a lot of people. 

I'm going to irritate a lot of people and I am totally okay with that. 

If we stay within our comfort zone we will always stay where we are. We'll never advance, we'll never grow, we'll never be able to move forward.

Oftentimes, what we find in life is very simply this, we don't have bondage we have excuses. Imposter syndrome is an excuse that people are using online so that they can stay unsuccessful. 

Now, there's a problem with that...

Do you want to know the problem with using imposter syndrome as a reason to not succeed?

Let's break it down to the real bitty-gritty. Let's go to the dictionary, shall we?

We are actually going to be looking up imposter syndrome. Impostor syndrome from the Dictionary Oxford Languages states "impostor syndrome is a noun. The persistent inability to believe that one's success is derived is deserved or has been legitimately achieved as a result of one's own efforts or skills". So let me take a look at that for a second.

In order to have imposter syndrome, you have to have already achieved success!

You have to have already legitimately achieved something as a result of your own efforts or skills. If that is the case, why is it the world keeps telling you that you have an imposter syndrome?

Why...? Because we like to cling to anything that would give us an excuse to not move forward and take a risk in life!

Well, I'm going to tell you right now, right here! If you're not taking a risk in your life you're not living life fully. It's not about going out there and taking uncalculated risk. It's about being willing to step past the boundaries of where you are today so that you can achieve what you dream to have for tomorrow.

Stop sitting around and saying, "Oh, it's an imposter syndrome." 

You can't have impostor syndrome until you found success. Come on go get your success! Go get it! 

It's amazing what you'll find when you just step out and say no more excuses, no more obstacles! These are just opportunities. Something for me to climb on top of, so I can get to my next level. This is a stepping stone to my next level. 

This is going to give me a new perspective...a new opportunity to realize this was not a wall that I couldn't pass. This was simply a locked door with no walls in the middle of the yard. I can just go around.

Stop creating problems for other people by telling them,”You're dealing with imposter syndrome.” 

Why don't you do yourself and the rest of the world a favor? Instead of telling them it's impostor syndrome, tell them go and get their success and then we can discuss whether or not you're dealing with imposter syndrome.

Until you achieve your success, you can't question whether or not you achieved it legitimately. You can't question whether or not it was by your own merits. So if we actually look, an imposter is someone who actually pretends to be someone else for fraudulent gain. So once you've achieved success, sit back and ask yourself very simply, “Did I show up authentically as who I am? Did I actually provide value or did I deceive them?”

If you:

  • provided value that was honest and true

  • showed up authentically as who you are

  • committed no fraud to get that success

Then there's no imposter syndrome because you know you showed up authentically and provided great value. You did it with honesty and integrity

When you look at that and you look at your success and say, “I did it honestly with integrity, 100% authentically as who I am!”, imposter syndrome can not exist and therefore has no power in your life.

If it has no power in your life - it cannot control you or the outcome of your life. So today, I encourage you enjoy your life take, some risks, get off of your haunches, drive forward, and ignore the excuse! Reach forward and say, “This is what I want in my life and that's what I’m gonna go do and have because I’m worth it!