October 25, 2022

The Simplest Way To Increase Your Audience and Build Authority

"The way we engage and communicate 
in the world has changed."

We are becoming more social, but also very cautious of new people and connections. With all that is going on in the world, especially with news and media doing their best to create a society of mistrust, we have to be very intentional of how we show up and present ourselves in the marketplace.  

We cannot just show up and make an offer and expect that people are going to rush to the bank to pay us anymore. 

Times have changed. 

People are living in a new belief system.

Taking time to grow an nurture an audience takes far to much time from scratch. 

If you want to beat out your competition you have to do multiple things.
  1. You must differentiate yourself from the noise
  2. You must offer a value that far over-delivers anything that your competition is offering.
  3. You must start yesterday!
  4. You must START with authority and a level of trust with your new audience

Being Different

This is not something that you should take lightly. Differentiation will be a determining factor of your success. If you look just like everything else in the forest, no one will see you.

Like this leaf, you have to find how to stand out in your surroundings.

Some simple ways to do this are to:
  • Let your personality shine!
  • Present a unique yet effective solution tot a common problem
  • Deliver your solution in an exciting or engaging way
If you are not willing to do things different than those around you, you will not have results different than those around you.
I am not saying that you have to through out everything that is working for others, I am just encouraging you to find new ways to innovate and make them better.

Deliver Greater Value

This is a key component. If two people are selling you a ticket to your favorite destination for the same price but one is offering a complimentary ticket and free meals and lodging when you get there it is obvious which you will choose. 
The same principle applies in the online space as well. When you are offering a solution to a common problem it is imperative that you make sure the value you offer is much more appealing to the market as a whole than anything else being offered. 

This can be done in numerous ways. This can be through getting them their results quicker, cheaper, or easier.

Make no mistake, if your value costs more than an equal offer given yours will always lose!

Start Yesterday!

That is not a typo. Start yesterday is more that a "get your rear in gear" statement. It is far more in depth that that.

Your past can be the very key to your future. Unless you have been living under a rock somewhere I am pretty confident that you know some people. 

I am not saying go and spam you friends and family, but why not ask them for help? Simply let them know what it is that you are doing and ask if they know any other people who are doing something similar. 

This may sound counter intuitive, but these are the connections that you need because they started doing the lead generation and nurturing...yep, you guessed it...YESTERDAY!

It is their audiences that you want to tap into and those are the people that are going to help you launch your business forward. You are probably wondering how to to this so keep reading.

Trust & Authority

We have been taught over the years that we need to find our target market, woo or bribe them into our space, then start the slow and painful process for both them and us of nurturing them into a relationship of know, like, and trust.

Haven't you ever stopped and asked, "Isn't there a more efficient way?"

There is! It is the process of tapping into other audiences. You see, they have already spent years going about the process of nurturing their audiences and have that trust and authority built in. What do you think happens when they introduce you to their audience? That's right, they now trust you and see you as an authority because you were introduced by someone who they trust.

When i first heard this I was so skeptical because I believed that people would never "give up" their audience but that is as far from the truth as the east is from the west! I have actually simplified it down into 4 simple steps that ends with them actually begging their audience to come to you for your offers!

Sounds to good to be true? Well, it is for those who are not willing to do the work to implement what is working.

If you would like to learn more about how you can reach more people on Facebook with this process, check out this article here!