April 5, 2022

Get Attention By Writing Great Headlines

Email copywriting has evolved into a huge industry all its own.

With many businesses starting to integrate the internet and online marketing into their business plans and strategies it is no wonder. 

It is certainly worthwhile for many companies and has the potential to exponentially increase yearly revenue. 

However, should you choose to make this move, without any clue how to craft a subject line that can guarantee that the email will get opened - you might as well consider yourself dead in the water. If you take nothing else from this remember that the title or subject of an email is MORE critical than any other element of the content of the email.


Because the subject line is the first part of the email that is seen! If the subject isn't attractive the chances are a lot higher than your email will not get opened. With an element in standard arrangements copy, fundamentally they'll get a chance to look at the pre-head, subhead, and deck copy to check whether something streaks their thought.

Here are the top 5 methods for crafting a subject line that will catch a reader's attention :

1. Be Original - I see messages all the time that are basically variations of the same email that I've seen come through my inbox on more than one occasion. This is especially obvious during product and program launches when people are trying to get the word out. And you wanna know something? These emails hardly ever get opened never mind read.  If you want your emails to get the attention they deserve try something different!

 2. Try An Incomplete Thought - This is something you've probably never heard. Instead of telling them what they will understand, offer something like "At First I Thought She Was Crazy, But Then I Realized...". Notice how that subject line could make you wonder about what I realized? That curiosity will often get readers to open the email to find out!

3. Imagine The World's Ending -  Bear with me for a second here I do not like focusing on the negative, but if you genuinely need something to work, it achieves the best outcome. In essentially all cases, a negative subject will out-pull a positive subject. Make it feel like something terrible will happen if they don't open the email and you'll see a significant jump in clickthrough rates.

4. Be Unpredictable - I know many experts out there who are internet marketers but not marketing experts who make millions, but they are not good at crafting messages. Mainly because they are so predictable! Instead of creating eye-catching content that stirs curiosity about the message inside the email. They will often boil down the message in the headline telling the reader "everything they need to know about the content of the email. The most important and really only job of the headline is to make the reader open the email!

5. Get Crazy With It! - Another thing that has a high success rate is being a little crazy with your subject line. Offer something dazzling or interesting, be absolutely odd and insane, or even fundamentally opening up and showing a little humanity works really well too. People like to see things that are somewhat "insane" and doing it in the subject of an email is a technique that builds interest in the content of the email.

If you stick to using any 1 of these 5 methods to boost your open rates with riveting email headlines that will get your emails ready you will see some of the best conversion rates in the industry.

Ultimately, getting the content of the email read is the goal and that won't happen without catching the reader's attention through the email's subject line.

So take these guidelines and start putting them to use! Then, at that point, peruse your email and watch your open rates go through the roof.