He had access to over 500 targeted email addresses and yet wasn't seeing any results from his emails.
He was becoming frustrated because with a list of 500 there should be some response… Right?
Well…. Yes and No
I explained that there are three major things that can be impacting your responses your subject line, the content, or your offer.
First things first the subject line of your email.
Would you read an email with the subject line you wrote?
If not, neither will your subscribers.
Make sure that your subject line creates a desire to see what's inside.
The next thing to consider is the content or body of your email.
Ask yourself how you are approaching your readers?
Have you introduced yourself?
Do you educate and give valuable tips and strategies that keep them coming back?
Or have you been focused on selling in every email?
There is nothing wrong with having different links that lead to an offer or a resource for your audience in the majority of your emails.
However, having a few value emails in your campaign with actionable steps that will get your readers results will keep your audience coming back time and time again.
Finally, if you are getting readers who are opening your emails, but aren't clicking links your offer may be the culprit.
Look at who you are putting your offer in front of.
Does your offer provide an answer that your audience is seeking?
If the answer is no you may be focused on the wrong audience for the offer!
Bottom line if you are having a hard time do some research!
Ask your audience what they want!
More often than not they are going to give you invaluable information about how they want to be approached in their inbox!