January 14, 2023

Recurring Income In 30 Days Without Living On Social Media

Creating a recurring income stream in 30 days without spending all day online is certainly a challenge, but it is possible. Here are a few strategies you could consider:

Sell a subscription-based product or service: If you have a product or service that can be delivered on a recurring basis, consider offering it as a subscription. This could be something physical, like a monthly box of handmade crafts, or a digital service, like a monthly coaching call.

Rent out a room or property: If you have a spare room or a property that is not being used, consider renting it out on a short-term basis through a platform like Airbnb. This can provide a recurring stream of income without requiring a significant time investment.

Sell a high-value product with upsells: If you have a product or service that has a high price point and provides a lot of value to your customers, consider offering related products or services as upsells. This can help you generate additional income from each customer without requiring a lot of additional work.

Offer a service that can be delivered remotely: If you have a service that can be delivered remotely, such as consulting or coaching, consider offering it on a recurring basis. This can help you create a stream of recurring income without having to spend all day online.

Leverage affiliate marketing: If you have a website or social media following, consider partnering with companies to promote their products as an affiliate. This can provide a passive income stream without requiring you to spend all day online.

No matter the models that you choose, you need to make sure that you are targeting the right traffic and spending time communicating with only those who are looking for the solution your product offers.