Christa Theg |
Does it feel like sometimes that you're just not reaching your audience through your emails?
It can be easy to fall into messaging patterns that just aren't clicking with your audience through our emails.
Obviously, we want our audience to know that we are well versed in our area of expertise.
This is very important because for our audience to really come to know and trust us we have to make sure that we are speaking the same language!
Sometimes we forget that our audience may not understand business jargon and may become lost and confused causing them to abandon their client journey. So how can we bridge the gap between jargon and effective messaging that can be the difference between struggle and success?
Here are four ways to bridge that gap:
1. Reach out to your audience! Let your audience know that you want to hear from them! Offering this open line of communication has multiple benefits. The first is that it lets your audience know that you genuinely care about them and their opinions. This builds trust and creates a sense of connection and loyalty to your brand. Secondly, your reaching out to your audience can help you to improve your products and services and could potentially inspire some new ones.2. Model the messaging of successful business owners in your field. I want to be clear I am NOT saying to copy-paste and change a few words to fit your message. Mainly because it will not sound authentic to you but also because it was crafted for their audience and may not resonate with your audience at all! Modeling a message looks at what you found interesting about it, maybe there is a type of sentence structure or wording that could be reworked in a way that will blow your subscribers' minds. Once you are inspired, take these elements of messaging and use them in your campaigns.3. Find someone who specializes in crafting messages that are appealing to our audience! Copywriters are and have been for decades the secret weapon biggest best-kept secrets of successful businesses. Think of them as a translator taking your message and converting it into an eye-catching offer that is irresistible to your audience.
4. One of the most powerful ways to bridge the gap between two people is through story! Stories capture attention and engage our audiences. Which makes them much more likely to assimilate our message.